There's a reason you fall asleep quickly on the couch, but the habit may lower your productivity
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- A neurologist explained why you think you fall asleep more easily on the couch.
- He said people often create bad sleeping habits due to false beliefs.
- One key mistake is thinking sleeping on the couch helps you sleep in bed.
Almost everyone has fallen asleep on the couch but then found themselves unable to sleep when they get into bed.
Not only is it frustrating; if it happens regularly, it can also lead you to lose sleep, experience health problems, become less productive, and possibly even burn out.
"This phenomenon is part of the field of insomnia," Karol Uscamaita, a neurologist told Rac1.
"There are false beliefs about what's good for us to sleep," he added.
People with sleep problems have usually developed bad habits that make it difficult to rest.
"For example, they believe that falling asleep earlier in a place other than their bed helps them fall asleep quickly. This is a false belief. It has no basis whatsoever. That's why some people have the bad habit of falling asleep while on the couch," he said.
The behavior is caused by the way your brain forms habits.
"For example, if a person gets into the habit of eating lunch or dinner very early, they'll get hungry much earlier. The same thing happens with sleep," Uscamaita said.
"If a person always falls asleep on the couch before bedtime, the brain will think that, being in a comfortable place in a state of inactivity, it's time to sleep. On the other hand, if that person then goes to bed, but starts looking at their cell phone or thinking about things, the brain interprets the bed as a place of activity and, therefore, it won't be ready to sleep," he said.
This cycle becomes harder to break the longer it goes on.
"It's important to condition the brain to think of the bed as a place exclusively for two activities: sleeping and having sex. If you get into thinking, watching TV, or looking at your cell phone, it no longer becomes a place to rest," he said.
Uscamaita has a solution, though.
After dinner, it's important that you only do relaxing activities. It doesn't matter what type they are, but they shouldn't include cell phones or screens of any kind.
"At that point, go to bed and try to sleep for 10-15 minutes at most," the expert explained.
"If you manage to fall asleep in less than a quarter of an hour, perfect. If not, get out of bed and do something relaxing in a relaxing place (it can be the sofa, but don't fall asleep). Go back to bed when you feel drowsy again," he added.
You need to repeat this process until it becomes a habit.
So the next time you feel yourself falling asleep on the couch, make sure you get up and go to bed.
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